The Boss From Hell: A True Story of Workplace Horror
Published on:April 8, 2023
Boss from Hell
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The Boss From Hell: A True Story of Workplace Horror

by | Apr 8, 2023 | Hire Virtual Assistant, Virtual Assistant | 0 comments

I’ve actually been working as a virtual assistant for offshore clients for more than 10 years now. It’s been quite a journey and I’m thrilled to have gained so much experience in this field!

Let me just tell you a frustrating personal experience I had.

I’ve been simmering like a pot of pasta on the stove for the last half-decade. It’s like a never-ending episode of “Bosszilla” with this lady!

Someone needs to remind her that she’s not Meryl Streep in “The Devil Wears Prada”.

The Devil Wears Prads Image by Vanity Fair

Image Credit: Vanity Fair

Ugh, I can’t believe I thought working with my boss, with this boss of mine, would be a chance to grow.

That I will learn and learn and learn. And be happy about it!

It’s like she doesn’t understand the meaning of personal space or boundaries. 

She used to be grateful for my extra efforts, but with the twist of fate, she started to expect me to drop everything and cater to her every whim. It’s not enough that I work long hours; I have to be at her beck and call 24/7. Not to mention I work on Saturdays too.

However, over time, her behavior has become increasingly rude and demanding. She expects me to be available at all times, even after hours, and will keep texting and calling until I respond. It’s as if she has no sense of boundaries or respect for my personal time.

It’s frustrating when a boss takes their stress out on their employees. While understanding their background and personal struggles can offer some insight into their behavior, it doesn’t excuse it. As an employee, you deserve to be treated with respect and professionalism, regardless of your boss’s personal issues.

It’s important to remind your boss that you are on their team, but that doesn’t mean you are willing to be a verbal punching bag. It is not acceptable for them to take their anger or frustration out on you. It’s important to have a conversation with your boss and set boundaries for how they can communicate with you in a professional manner. Remember, you are there to work together towards the success of the company, not to be a target for their personal issues.

Oh yeah! I’m fighting back!

I am taking a stand and declaring that I will not tolerate being mistreated or disregarded. My voice is fierce, my spirit unbreakable, and I am determined to assert my worth and value. No one can dim my light or silence my roar. I am standing up for myself with unwavering confidence and courage.

And bless her heart, she’s always so quick to apologize. However, it seems that history has a way of repeating itself and we find ourselves back at square one.

It’s incredibly frustrating when someone repeatedly apologizes for their behavior but doesn’t make any effort to actually change it. Whenever I call her out on it, she immediately apologizes and promises to do better. But then, without fail, she slips back into her old habits and the cycle starts all over again.

I understand that changing behavior is difficult, but it’s incredibly disheartening when someone doesn’t even seem to be trying. It makes me wonder if her apologies are genuine or just a way to placate me in the moment. I don’t want to be friends with someone who is rude and disrespectful, but I also don’t want to be the person who constantly has to remind her to be kind. It’s a frustrating situation that I’m not sure how to handle.

The Nitty-Gritty of Reinforcement

It’s frustrating to see people underestimate the power of reinforcement. It’s not just a simple matter of rewarding behavior to get it to happen again. It’s about shaping behavior, creating habits, and ultimately changing attitudes and beliefs. 

Yet, so many people seem to think that rewards are just a quick fix, 

a band-aid solution that doesn’t really address the underlying issues.

Start with the Big Question

Hey there pal, can I ask you something? Is everything hunky-dory between us?

Listen, I gotta be real with you. We used to be tight, but lately things have gotten a tad awkward. It feels like you’re expecting a lot more from me now, and it’s making our work relationship go from bad to worse. You don’t seem to have the patience to answer my questions anymore, and I’m basically on call 24/7. Plus, I don’t mind doing you a favor every now and then, but it’s starting to feel like an obligation.

Can’t a girl get a break?

So here’s the deal, my buddy. If you think my job needs to change or my performance isn’t up to par, let’s have a chat

If you’re itching to get that pink slip ASAP, I have a suggestion for you. Just go ahead and use the approach mentioned above, and watch as your boss sends you packing with a one-way ticket to “joblessville”.

Here is an alternative method to approach this in a more polished and refined manner.

Initiate the conversation by inquiring about their well-being in a composed and professional manner such as, “May I ask if everything is alright?”

Proceed to communicate the situation truthfully but tactfully, acknowledging their previous positive treatment towards you and expressing how the work relationship has become tense and hostile. Mention how the expectations seem to have shifted, causing increased pressure and a lack of support. Additionally, clarify how personal errands have become expected instead of occasional favors.

Establish boundaries and expectations by proposing a solution-oriented approach such as discussing any necessary changes to your job description or addressing any concerns about your performance. Alternatively, request that they cease raising their voice and refrain from infringing on your personal time. 

It’s absolutely crucial that we all play nice and treat each other with some serious respect. No monkey business, no shenanigans, just good old-fashioned manners. After all, we’re all in this together and we don’t want any drama. So let’s show each other some love and keep it classy, shall we?

Hey there, check it out – PART 2 is here! Enjoy!

The Boss From Hell: A True Story of Workplace Horror PART 2

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Heyoo! I'm Ms. D

Heyoo! I'm Ms. D

Online Business Manager

I want to help heart-centered small business owners grow their business with ease. Admitting that you need extra hands in your business isn’t a weakness. It’s a sign that you are looking out for yourself and not spreading yourself too thin. If you feel you’re not having enough time and energy for every task at hand, then it sure is time to find a Virtual Assistant.

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